your words hit so deeply — i can feel the weight of it all. sending you so much love as you step into this new chapter

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janu, your emotional depth and wisdom are just from another world. I'm sorry you had to go through this, I feel this deeply 💜

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can’t imagine how horrible this must have felt to you, people can be so cruel and it’s unreal. it’s sad this kind of thing keep happening, that we (as humans, as a society) think a treatment like this is normal, acceptable…

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I'm sad that you had to go through that. And I disagree with "I learned early on that being different wasn’t something people admired or celebrated." Know that you and your unique traits and talents are appreciated and loved by so many people and you need only to find the right community for yourself, Janu.

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You will overcome... Humans overcome situations... That's how who we are

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I can feel this to my core.

Seriously, these people!!!!

I have also felt that everyone’s watching me, and that’s the worst feeling but I have learnt to not pay heed to any of this.

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Your experience is so valid, and something that is not talked about nearly enough today.

Also, Bo Burnham has a song ‘All Eyes On Me’ you might want to check out, it’s amazing and won a couple of Grammys.

You’re not alone, and at University, it’s a hell of a lot better, trust me

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