Reading this while rotting in bed hits different 🥲

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Sep 3Author

right! Thank you for reading 🥹

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I completely agree with you. It definitely improves my creativity and peace of mind whenever I manage to do this practice daily or at least weekly. 🥰👏🏻

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Sep 3Author

I'm glad you feel the same way <3 Thank you for reading 🫶🏽

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i read this after spending a few days just rotting in bed, doing nothing, and honestly, i don’t regret it at all.

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Sep 3Author

love that for you!!! Sometimes a good bed-rot session is exactly what we need <33

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One of the afflictions, particularly of the era in which we are, is the incessant spur to be productive and do something with tangible results!

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Sep 3Author

Exactly! It's funny how we're constantly pushed to prove our worth by being 'productive' Sometimes, just existing is more than enough🫶🏽

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I feel proud knowing I'm the kind of person mentioned in this essay.... Rotting around, reading a book, or just lying there wondering about shit...

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Sep 3Author

You're living the dream🥹 Embracing the art of doing nothing is a vibe!!

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such an important message to combat hustle culture!! thank you janu 🫶

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Sep 3Author

Thank you so so much for reading <3

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i loved this it was packed with fresh perspective, social media is all about like productivity and asetheticness and how i can do all of this all at once and it becomes very every overwhelming. this post definitely opened my eyes and i loved it <33

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Sep 3Author

social media can be super overwhelming with all that "perfect" productivity stuff. Thanks for the love <3

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Loveeee a good lazy day!!!

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Sep 3Author

Yess <3

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It’s funny how doing nothing is often more productive for the mind than we give it credit for.

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reading this feeling so burnt out after back to back exams for 2 weeks hits different tysm for this

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I loved this piece so much! And I really love doing nothing 😆 especially with how busy everyone is, those moments of quite idleness are so needed, to rest, to recharge, to feel human🤍

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deletedAug 31Liked by Janu
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Sep 3Author

Thank you so much for supporting me <3

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deletedAug 31Liked by Janu
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Sep 3Author

daydreaming is definitely underrated and I’m all for that lazy general approach, maximum chill, minimum effort! Thanks for the reminder to take it easy. 🙂

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