It’s like you read through my mind sometimes. This is yet another wonderfully written, thought-provoking article!

I wholeheartedly agree with you. We are bombarded with positive messages, but rarely are we taught how to deal with disappointment and rejection in an effective way.

Isn’t randomness a relief too? Knowing we can’t control everything should make us more relaxed and empathetic towards people who’ve been handed a few too many lemons. Bad things can happen to us. This should unite us and take away the sting of bad events.

Thank you for your writing. I always look forward to it! ❤️

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Vera you totally get it! 🥹 Randomness can definitely be a relief. I’m so glad the article resonated with you. It’s true, life’s ups and downs should bring us together and make us more understanding. 💕 Thanks a ton for always being so supportive and for sharing your thoughts! Means a lot.

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yes totally agree lol, sometimes bad things happen and honestly we should see things as they are, because not everything is sunshine and rainbow. Love this post 💌😍

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I'm glad you get it!! Balance is the key 🫶🏽 Thank you for reading <3

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Balance and cross your fingers. I like the saying 'success is when luck meets preparation'.

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Sometimes it’s okay to be angry at the outcome. How it it didn’t live up to our expectations. But make it only a day of anger and move forward with positive movement. (You can still scream - but maybe turn it into laughter later.)

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right! Thank you for reading <3 🫶🏾

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Aug 13Liked by Janu

I agree 👍🏻 with your thoughts.besides that, there is a force being guiding you🙏🏻🥰

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“In today’s world, if you don’t back up your words with results, you’re doomed.”

I really needed to read this. thank you, Janu, for writing this beautiful piece. <3

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Awww thank you for reading monet 🥹

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I agree mostly but in some points I disagree. It's good to hear your thoughts. Life really is all about balancing in between things. Love this perspective too. ✨💗

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Thank you for reading !!! 🥰

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Love this perspective. Balancing hope with realism keeps us sane in an unpredictable world. Thanks for putting this out there!

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Thank you so much for reading 🥹 I was actually nervous since this isn’t something people talk about often and a few people disagreed, but I’m glad I wrote something different from the usual 🫶🏾🫶🏾

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I’m really glad you did too! It’s important to talk about these things, even if not everyone agrees. Different perspectives are what make discussions richer. Keep sharing your unique voice — it’s needed!! 🫶🏼

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Life is a balancing act, isn't it? Nicely written post.

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Exactly!!! Thank you 🫶🏽

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☯️ everyone will have some way of seeing it, and have a differing view. Like you said there's like 8.2 billion of us now.

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I meant to add that, what serves you, might not exactly serve the other person the same way, but this is what is true to you. So then it is true, and it challenges a new perspective. Personally i am an optimist, most of the time. But we all have our days. There's no turning a blind eye to reality, I just try to keep my positive mindset as best I am. But with an open mind I see it as a balancing act. When I'm having a really bad day I'll probably be the biggest pessimist you know. 😅 You probably wouldn't even believe I'm the same writer🙏 . Balance is crucial. I could go on for a long time about this but I won't. You're doing fine by me ☺️ that's just my 2 cents

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i wrote a piece recently about this and how acknowledging complex feelings that can be a combination of negative and positive emotions has helped me to be more genuine with my moments of positivity. i really liked your perspective here 🤍

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Love that! ❤️ It’s so true, embracing those mixed emotions can really make our positive moments feel more authentic. I’m glad we’re on the same page!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts ☺️

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I appreciate this message. Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse) is a great book concerning this topic: though, his material is more, overall, about the harmful nature of operating in a binary.

Yet, I feel I disagree with some of the things you talk about here. As an aspiring astronomer, you should know so much is left undiscovered and unenumerated in the universe: there is simply still too much for us to know about the world that our perception of our own knowledge is inaccurate. I see science as operating in one big Dunning-Kruger effect and I deeply disagree with your proposition that we can just sum up the universe as one big random pile of stuff happening. I see everything as magic because it truly is: we have no clue how we actually see anything, I mean, sure we could say it's because of rods and cones (whatever that means) in our eyes but do we reallllly, reallllly no how this is happening? (There are tons more examples like this.) No. So, I see your postulation of everything in the world being nothing but mathematics as pessimistic in itself because the entire foundation of all science is built on a notion that the universe just spawned out of Nothingness: isn't that completely insane--something out of nothing?? So, if we draw back the curtain completely on science, we find it's built on literal magic: something completely and totally unexplainable.

Janu, I ask you to allow wonder and imagination to seep into your mindset! :) Staring at the universe blank and stating it doesn't care about us and is simply a machine spitting out numbers or something akin to that is entirely too pessimistic and, as I find, leads to existential dread. Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HybPD0VsFP0.

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Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from! I love the idea of wonder and imagination but for me, the magic is in the science itself. The fact that we can use math and logic to make sense of the universe is wild enough? It’s not that I think everything’s just a bunch of numbers with no meaning more like, those numbers tell a story that’s both chaotic and beautiful at the same time. But, I respect that we all see the universe differently! That’s what makes these discussions so interesting. 😄 Thank you !!!

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Hm, yes, this is actually very interesting on how we see the universe so differently: I generally despise complete objectivity (e.i. numbers: in math there is normally only one right answer) but I guess you revel in that as the foundation of everything. Cool discussion!

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Aug 11Liked by Janu

I rly needed to hear this tbh. trying to be positive all the time is so exhausting

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Hey thank you for reading 🥹 Balance is everything yeah <3

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Loved this

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Thank you so much for reading <3

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Great post once again! 🫶

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Thank you so much for being sweet Katerina 💕💕💕

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This is something so many people need to hear. I am so tired of hearing to be more optimistic and look for the happiness in EVERY situation. Sometimes looking out for the negative is better than being unaware of it and falling into a trap. Love your writing so much I just started reading some of your articles and they're so good💞💞

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Thanks so much 🥹💕 I totally get what you mean. sometimes being aware of the negatives can help us avoid pitfalls and be more prepared. I’m glad you’re enjoying the articles!!!! Your support means a lot xoxo

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I love getting these posts from you and I completely hear your perspective— I also do the same with trying to retain control over managing expectations of myself. Life is hard and random and it is very usually not personal when something gets in the way or causes some hurt. Each of us trying our best among everyone else trying their best among all the varying paths people are on.

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Thank you so much! 💕💕 It’s reassuring to know that others relate to that struggle of managing expectations. Life’s randomness can be tough to navigate but like you said, it’s usually not personal. We’re all just trying to figure it out on our own paths and thats what makes it so real. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts with me ☺️ 🫶🏽

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